Gearing Up for Fall
Welcome back! I hope you had a great summer and are rested and ready for a new academic year. We have several exciting things happening this fall, including the grand opening September 8 for Strong Hall, our new state-of-the-art science building.
I want to welcome the many new faculty and staff to our college and the UT campus. I look forward to working with you! I would also like to congratulate the newly tenured and promoted faculty, new department heads, and new IDP chairs on your positions. I am grateful for the added responsibilities you will take up this year as a result of your rise in status.
We are finalizing the college strategic plan developed over the past year. A committee that included several students, faculty, and staff in the college collected information and feedback on our strategic priorities. The final document will be sent out in September to faculty and staff. Your input is important to the college, so please take time to read the final draft and provide your feedback prior to the faculty vote.
We will also be publishing Dialogue once a month throughout the semester featuring a variety of stories, voices, and sharing more information within the college. If you have a suggestion for a story or an exciting news item, please email our communications office.
Finally, September 22, we will publicly launch the most ambitious fundraising campaign in the university’s history: Investing in the Journey to the Top 25 Campaign. This bold undertaking will light the path for generations of Volunteers to come. The launch event itself will feature hands-on exhibits and experiences showcasing the groundbreaking research and service of UT students, faculty, and staff. I hope you consider Joining the Journey!
Thank you for all you do for the college! As always, if you have any questions or comments to share with me, please send me an email.
Theresa M. Lee
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Professor, Department of Psychology