ASUReS – College Of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium 2024: Program

A Celebration of Research and Creativity by College of Arts & Sciences Undergraduates
When: April 23, 2024
Time: 8 a.m. – 2:10 p.m.
Where: Third/Fourth Floor, Ayres Hall
Arts & Humanities
Session ASUReS 1-1: 8:15 – 9:30 am, Ayres Hall 308H
I Sing the Heart Electric: Gender and a Japanese Robotic Goddess
Presenter: August Deluke (Religious Studies); Faculty Mentor: Megan Bryson
False Dichotomy
Presenter: Kylie Sliger (Art); Faculty Mentor: Koichi Yamamoto
Lighting Design of Cato: A Tragedy
Presenter: Kayla Moore (Theatre); Faculty Mentor: Kenton Yeager
Women Marines and their Early Struggles and Perseverance: The Progression and Struggles of Women Marines during the Korean Conflict in the Early Stages of Integrating Women in the Marine Corps
Presenter: Caroline Workman (History); Faculty Mentor: Chris Magra
The Mound, The Archives, and Ethically Sensitive Research
Presenter: Maggie Diedrich (English); Faculty Mentor: Lisa King
Session ASUReS 2-1: 9:45 – 11:00 am, Ayres Hall 308H
The Slaughter’s Daughter: National Velvet, Death, and The Brown’s Slaughterhouse
Presenter: Renee Robinson (English); Faculty Mentor: Nancy Henry
Technical Communication Tactics in the Evolution of Prescription Drug Advertisements
Presenter: Madaline Dople (English); Faculty Mentor: Ryan McCormack
Johnathan Swift: Dehumanization Defined Through Animals
Presenter: Jessica Baker (English); Faculty Mentor: Nancy Henry
Human Thoroughbreds in America: Racism and Eugenics as Expressed Through Geraldine Brooks’ Novel Horse
Presenter: Casey Roddy (English); Faculty Mentor: Nancy Henry
Tail Docking and the Thoroughbred: Human Identity and the Mutilation of Animals
Presenter: Ryah Parkhurst (English); Faculty Mentor: Nancy Henry
Session ASUReS 3-1: 11:20 am – 12:35 pm, Ayres Hall 401
The Gender Variant Bodhisattva Kannon in Early Modern Japanese Art
Presenter: MJ Posani (Asian and Religious Studies); Faculty Mentor: Megan Bryson
The Makers of Music: Harpsichord Builders and Performers in Renaissance Europe
Presenter: Joseph Espinal (History); Faculty Mentor: Robert Bast
Appalachian Women, WWII, & Changes in Mountain Medicine
Presenter: Gracie Amburn (History); Faculty Mentor: Christopher Magra
The Kingdom of Rayfall
Presenter: Andrew Bragorgos (English); Faculty Mentor: Michael Knight
Uncovering Maria Edgeworth’s Strategic Political Influence Through Her Unpublished Letters
Presenter: Autumn Hall (English); Faculty Mentor: Hilary Havens
Session ASUReS 3-2: 11:20 am – 12:35 pm, Ayres Hall 404
Crusaders and Conquerors: Southern Soldiers’ Perceptions of Others Abroad During World War II
Presenter: Samantha Konsavage (History); Faculty Mentor: Tore Olsson
Barring Extenuating Circumstances
Presenter: Grace Russell (Art); Faculty Mentor: Koichi Yamamoto
Religious Utilization and Humanism in the Poetry of Percy Shelley
Presenter: Laura Snyder (English); Faculty Mentor: Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud
Gallo-Roman Culture and the Creation of Old French
Presenter: Sandra Cooper (World Language and Culture); Faculty Mentor: Maria Gallmeier
Beauford Delaney’s New York Period: The Harlem Renaissance, Black Masculinity, and the Great Migration
Presenter: Avery Noe (Music); Faculty Mentor: Mary Campbell
Session ASUReS 4-1: 12:55 – 2:10, Ayres Hall 401
The Role of East Tennessee Pastors in Facilitating Unionist Resistance to Confederate Occupation
Presenter: Cole Fritts (History); Faculty Mentor: Jacob Latham
Stancetaking in postfeminist media
Presenter: Stella Clymer (World Languages and Cultures); Faculty Mentor: Aris Clemons
Gangs of New Rome: The Political Violence of the Circus Factions from the Late 5th Century to the Early 7th Century
Presenter: Aiden Ponder (History); Faculty Mentor: Jacob Latham
The Gender Gap in Study Abroad: Potential Causes and What That Means for Larger Social and Political Systems
Presenter: Heidi Avery (Philosophy); Faculty Mentor: Kristina Gehrman
Seen and Not Heard: Celebrating Black Women Political Leaders and Activists
Presenter: Desta Maron (Africana Studies); Faculty Mentor: Danielle Procope Bell
Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Session ASUReS 1-2: 8:15 – 9:30 am, Ayres Hall 405
Novel Neutron Focusing Device for Dark Matter Searches at ESS
Presenter: James Rogers (Physics and Astronomy); Faculty Mentor: Yuri Kamyshkov
Measuring the Effects of Mental Health Parity Laws
Presenter: Jackson Duncan (Economics and Mathematics); Faculty Mentor: Matthew Harris
Designing Rigorous Stochastic Models of Within-Host Dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Presenter: Jacob Looney (Computer Science/Mathematics); Faculty Mentor: Vitaly Ganusov
Performing model comparisons to study Quark Gluon Plasma
Presenter: Joesph Beller (Physics and Astronomy); Faculty Mentor: Christine Nattrass
Phase Equilibria Constraints on Mercury’s Cumulate Mantle After Magma Ocean Solidification
Presenter: Jordan Marshall (Earth and Planetary Sciences); Faculty Mentor: Nick Dygert
Session ASUReS 2-2: 9:45 – 11:00 am, Ayres Hall 406
Photochemical Magnetic Switch of Group 13 aza-dipyrromethene (B, Al, Ga and In).
Presenter: Bailey Dvorak (Chemistry); Faculty Mentor: Viktor Nemykin
Antarctic Diorama and Clay-Fired Infographic: Educational Outreach for the Geosciences and Planetary Sciences
Presenter: Katerina Scott (Earth and Planetary Sciences); Faculty Mentor: Anna Szynkiewicz
Characterizing inhibition of neutrophil extracellular trap pathway components and understanding their necessity for Campylobacter jejuni- induced NETosis.
Presenter: Nicole Vaccaro (Biology); Faculty Mentor: Jeremiah Johnson
Multiregional Histological and Behavioral Consequences of Perineuronal Net Manipulation in Female Mice
Presenter: Joseph Martin (Biochemistry & Cellular and Molecular Biology); Faculty Mentor: Keerthi Krishnan
Exploring the impact of bacterial arginine biosynthesis on host colonization
Presenter: Grace Pullen (Biology); Faculty Mentor: Heidi Goodrich-Blair
Session ASUReS 3-3: 11:20 am – 12:35 pm, Ayres Hall 308H
Heme Acquisition, Catalase, and Immune Evasion: Unraveling the Intricacies of Campylobacter jejuni Survival
Presenter: Ryan Mesler (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology); Faculty Mentor: Jeremiah Johnson
Visualization of 3D Genome Interactions During Nematode programmed DNA Elimination
Co-Presenters: Abigail West (Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology) & Hannah Lam (Biology); Faculty Mentor: Jianbin Wang
Contextualizing Shakespeare’s King Lear depiction of aging, cognitive decline, and child-parent caregiving in a medical humanities framework
Presenter: Christiane Alvarez (Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology); Faculty Mentor: Anthony Welch
How bacterial enzymes impact host neurotransmitters: using Xenorhabdus for insight into neurochemical animal-microbe interactions
Presenter: Tyler Myers (Microbiology); Faculty Mentor: Heidi Goodrich-Blair
Identification of marine bacteria able to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Presenter: Ellen Bobo (Microbiology); Faculty Mentor: Alison Buchan
Session ASUReS 4-2: 12:55 – 2:10, Ayres Hall 405
Neutrino Fast Flavor Instability at Different Mass Densities for a Neutron Star Merger
Presenter: Javier Gomez (Physics and Astronomy); Faculty Mentor: Sherwood Richers
Fending Off Predators in a Warming World: The Defense Behaviors of Tree Swallows Under High Temperatures
Presenter: Lillian Para (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology); Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Derryberry
Anthropogenic disturbance does not alter tree defenses but does limit demographic traits
Presenter: Kate Loveday (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology); Faculty Mentor: Orou Gaoue
Investigation into the production, genetic regulation, and function of an uncharacterized pigment produced by the marine bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3
Presenter: Taylor Smith (Microbiology); Faculty Mentor: Alison Buchan
SI-PET-RAFT polymerization by electrodeposition of aniline, carbazole, and GO: Toward anti-corrosion applications
Presenter: Evelyn Winn (Chemical Engineering); Faculty Mentor: Rigoberto Advincula
Social Sciences
Session ASUReS 1-3: 8:15 – 9:30 am, Ayres Hall 401
Uyghur Political and Social Advocacy: Group Leader Perspectives
Presenter: Lucas Simmons (Anthropology); Faculty Mentor: De Ann Pendry
From Farm to Table: How do federal budget fluctuations in the SNAP program affect SNAP-eligible grocery retailer’s revenue and profits?
Presenter: Riley Poole (Political Science); Faculty Mentor: Stephanie Casey Pierce
Examining first- and second-generation Latino immigrants’ perceptions of mainstream news narratives
Presenter: Ryan Beatty (Political Science and Sociology); Faculty Mentor: Jana Morgan
Complicity, Carcerality, and COVID-19: Searching for a Theory of Mass Harm in the United States
Presenter: Jacqueline Capron-Allcott (Sociology); Faculty Mentor: Meghan Conley
Identifying potential barriers to mental health of students at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Presenter: Anna Lynn (Psychology); Faculty Mentor: Katie Rowinski
Session ASUReS 2-3: 9:45 – 11:00 am, Ayres Hall 401
Proximity and Personal Experiences: Measuring Policy Change
Presenter: Gavin Buehring (Political Science); Faculty Mentor: Kirsten Widner
Green is for Girls: Interactions between Masculine Gender Norms and Pro-Environmental Attitudes
Presenter: Hayley Simpson (Psychology); Faculty Mentor: Sarah Lamer
Associations between Adult Support and Bullying in Black High School Students
Co-Presenters: Hasiah Wolfe (Psychology), Trinity Reed (Psychology), and Caitlyn Stephan (Psychology); Faculty Mentor: Jasmine Coleman
Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Rib Seriation
Presenter: Caleb Conatser (Anthropology); Faculty Mentor: Joanne Devlin
Differences in Dental Pathology and Treatment Between Biological Males and Females in the UTK Donated Skeletal Collection
Presenter: Sophia Henn (Anthropology); Faculty Mentor: Amy Mundorff
Session ASUReS 3-4: 11:20 am – 12:35 pm, Ayres Hall 405
The Effects of Androgen Receptor Knockdown in the Medial Amygdala on Anxiety-Like Behavior in Syrian Hamsters
Presenter: Alex Gillespie (Psychology); Faculty Mentor: Matthew Cooper
Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Academic Competency
Co-Presenters: Tahra Attar (Psychology), Sophie Maple (Psychology), and Andrew Ohseik (Biology); Faculty Mentor: Jenn Bolden
Associations between Mindfulness and Subjective Well-being in Youth
Presenter: Noah Wade (Psychology); Faculty Mentor: Chris Elledge
Adverse Childhood Experiences’ Impact on Perceptions of Discrimination
Co-Presenters: Madison Schletzer (Psychology), Kendall Harvey (Child & Family Studies), and Brendan LeStrange (Physics); Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Bolden
Analyzing and Addressing Food Insecurity in Knox County
Co-Presenters: Avery Lockhart (Geography and Sustainability), Owen Bales (Geographic Info Science & Technology), Amy Gonzalez (Sustainability), and Will Savage (Geography); Faculty Mentor: Mayra Roman-Rivera
Session ASUReS 4-3: 12:55 – 2:10, Ayres Hall 308H
Project PACE: Development of a Career Intervention for Women in a Transitional Housing Program
Presenter: Bella King (Psychology); Faculty Mentor: Erin Hardin
The impact of a Childs need for developmental, emotional, or behavioral problems based on the amount of time the parent or guardian has spent in jail
Co-Presenters: Jalen Webb (Psychology), Sadan Al Jabri (Psychology), Kenan Assay (Psychology), and Grace Woodside (Psychology); Faculty Mentor: Jasmine Coleman
Relation between Adult Monitoring and Adolescents’ Suicide Risk
Presenter: Madison Gilliland (Psychology); Faculty Mentor: Jasmine Coleman
Paleopathological study of Bengal Tiger from the Knoxville Zoo
Presenter: Kimberly Hargrave (Anthropology); Faculty Mentor: Anneke Janzen
Ceramic Analysis at Coan Hall
Presenter: Zoe Bear (Anthropology); Faculty Mentor: Barbara Heath